In Loving Memory of Mr. Gold

RIP Mr. Gold, 2013-2024: Forever in Our Hearts

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted but 2024 has also been filled with constant change (good and bad), frustrations, tears, ups, and downs. The biggest and most difficult change was Mr. Gold’s passing in August. He was my best friend, roommate, and studio mate for almost 11 years. 

Photo of Mr. Gold in his carpeted cat tree
Mr. Gold in 2023

Mr. Gold took care of me in my darkest days of grief, motivated me to get out of bed, and followed me all over the house. If I took too long upstairs, he would go and check in on me. When I was sick with covid and isolating alone in 2023, he stayed by my side, and made sure I was ok in bed. Even when he was terminally ill, he would still wait for me at the bottom of the stairs. 

Cute portrait of Mr Gold cat posing
Gold’s Tinder profile pic: Single bachelor with green eyes, looking for companionship 

In his final years after Tommy passed, Mr. Gold began to long for a companion friend and welcomed the outdoor kitties into his life. (Which was a huge change on his part, since he hated all foreign cats at the apartment!) I was on the lookout to get him a young cat friend but his health declined rapidly while I was in the midst of my job search. 

I am, and will forever be grateful that I got to spend his final years at home with him, and that he enjoyed our new home and lived life to his fullest here. He welcomed my family and friends (he used to be super shy at the apartment), worked up the courage to finally try out human foods, he loved all the cats, ducks, frogs, turtles, and wildlife in this community. And he got to enjoy the garden patio a few times on a leash/harness. He even grumbled at me when I brought him inside and had cat rage afterwards! 😳 

Orange cat in a harness watching ducks in a pond
Enjoying the (loud & scary) ducks up close while hiding behind the strawberry plants

This is the first time in many years I haven’t had my own pet to take care of, hug and hold. But I’m giving myself a little bit of time and grace to readjust to the sudden changes in my life. Gold left behind an inheritance to his kitties - cat food, treats, cat nip, toys, etc. which I have been feeding to his buddies. The community kitties are keeping me company for now and bossing me around with their new feeding routine. 😅

Collage of Mr. Gold, his garden cat statue, and his besties Smokey and Fritz
Mr. Gold, his garden cat statue, and his besties Smokey and Fritz

2024 Cypert & Adank Family Altar

This year Mr. Gold and Tommy are part of the Cypert family’s altar installation currently on display through November 17, 2024 at the Ontario Museum of History & Art’s Day of the Dead exhibition. You can see it during this Saturday’s annual Ontario Arts Festival on October 19, from 10 am to 5:00 pm.

Día de los Muertos: Healing & Remembrance graphicd

Día de los Muertos:
Healing & Remembrance

Thursday, October 3 – Sunday, November 17, 2024
Gallery hours are Thursday and Friday, noon to 4 PM
Saturday and Sunday, 11 AM to 5 PM

Ontario Museum of History & Art
225 S. Euclid Avenue,
Ontario, CA 91762

Ontario Arts Festival

Saturday, October 19, 2024
10 AM to 5 PM
217 S. Lemon Avenue,
Ontario, CA 91762

Cypert family altar installation
Detail shot of the altar installation. Left side is Tommy’s side, middle is artwork by our niece, and right side is Gold & Tommy’s friendship

Cypert & Adank family altar installation
Featured on the wall is some of my artwork and Tommy’s photography. Included in the installation is last year’s digital art portrait of Mr. Gold

Cat shadow box altar from garden kitties
Depicted here are Gold’s kitty friends Fritz, Princess Roarie (his friend-nemy) and Smokey. 

Altar shadow box installation
Altar shadow box I created during one of the Museum’s First Thursday programs for the community. Super fun event!


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