I’m Andrea B. Cypert, welcome to my blog.
My websites andreacypert.com and andreabenitezart.com are currently under construction so for now I am redirecting you to this blog. You can learn more about my career as an artist by visiting my bio page.
See the public art I created in Ontario, California here.
See some of my drawings here.
View some of my paintings here.
Contact me:
The easiest and fastest way to reach me is by email.
To join my e-mail list, sign up here.
My late husband Tom's amazing photography: www.tomcypert.com
Social Media:
I occasionally post on social media, find me at:
- www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-cypert - my most used platform
- www.instagram.com/andreabcypert/ - where I’ll post upcoming events, projects and reposts from community pages I follow
- https://youtube.com/andreacypert - whenever I remember to record videos while making projects
- https://vimeo.com/andreabenitez - where I posted my old videos before closing my first arts business
- Pinterest - a collection of some of my favorite home and garden inspiration/DIY aesthetics