Getting Organized and Workspaces/Studios

Its been 2 weeks since the last entry! I spent the last couple of weeks uploading the 7000+ pictures to OneDrive and organizing my spaces. Yesterday, I spent most of the day cleaning out the closet. It has been on my to do list for a few months and I finally I decided to tackle it before I start my new series of painting and drawings for the 2018 Invitational.

Mr. Gold was helping me sort through all the old paperwork and junk I was I was tossing out.

After I organized the closet. (I forgot to take a before picture). I managed to contain all my paperwork and other stuff (old sketchbooks!) to the one pink storage bin. The other bin has sweaters and other seasonal clothes.

Before I start a new series of work, I have to get organized. Its a thing I do in order to start fresh, reset my mind and feel energized. When I was uploading my pictures to the cloud I was reminded how much fun being in the studio is. Here are some of my favorite pictures over the years:

From 2012 - I used to paint on the kitchen table at my parents' house. The lighting from the window and the cool breeze were my favorite part of this area  
Another one from 2012 - the downside to painting on the kitchen table was that I had to clean up and set up every time I wanted to paint. The plus side was that it was easy get coffee, water and snacks.
This was when I was working on the color pencil drawings for the 2014 Ontario Invitational. I was working from a folding table in my old bedroom at my parents house. It was a set up I enjoyed (I could take naps if I needed to 😉 since the bed was right next to the table). I really miss the bright natural lighting in this room.

2015 - When I was working on the Faces of the Community series. This was not the best lighting but I was able to get away with it since it was black/white and no color work.

The plus side to this new workspace was that its a permanent location. My desk is a designated work area and I can leave everything as is, making it easier to start working right away. This was before I got my desktop.
For the 2016 paintings I decided to paint in the hallway of my apartment since its where the best lighting is. There is not very much natural light here.

For the new drawings and Paintings I'll probably do a combination of working in the desk and hallway again. The color pencil drawings can be done at my desk and the paintings will be done in the hallway again. Unless I buy a table top easel, but we will see. I'm planning on making large paintings so that probably won't happen. 


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